Communicating with staff in large corporations can be a challenging process. Many departments use staff meetings to talk through events that are occurring in the organisation. The challenge however is that unless management is there personally, key messages and thoughts to local or rural areas are harder to be shared. Emails and newsletter are a common form in our modern era. But one thing to consider is, how long is your ‘inbox’? What gets prioritised and what gets forgotten. If you can easily miss a communicatio9n, chances are your staff do too. Instead of sending out emails, you may want […]
This year, Rochelle will take the stage to discuss how businesses can use video as part of their marketing strategy. Providing practical advice, she will share her knowledge of what types of video you should be sharing and ‘when’ in your strategy timeline. What I find is that many people don’t realise that there is sort of a timeline of what should be shared first and so forth. To be truthful, it wasn’t until I did a webinar series run by Ben Amos from Innovate Media, that it all made sense. I hope to explain and give some examples of […]
Your questions Do you ever wonder what your customers think of your business? Do you wonder whether they remember you? Are you curious about what they say to their friends about your company? If these are questions they you ponder over, then you may want to consider the strength of your brand power & improving your brand awareness. So what is brand awareness? It’s about: Letting your potential clients know who you are and why they should do business with you Getting your message out Making your brand known Creating a loyal and solid customer base Standing out from your competition If […]