Seldex Story // Crafting photo albums that last forever! from Preface Films on Vimeo.

Our world is moving at such a rapid pace – it has become a digitalised world. Often I feel we forget the meaning of photos…even though we know the value and treasure them deeply, it can be something we take for granted. Families share images online to the world – with so many options from facebook, instragram and so on. But what about the album? Have we forgotten the experience of sitting around the table and reliving these moments?

This story shares the detail & care that is part of the wedding album process – something that until we filmed, we too would never have been able to experience. “Crafting photo albums that last forever” – it is just that, with attention to detail and skill to produce a memory that will be treasured forever.

Music licence: Marmoset Music – “All That I Needed” by Freemont


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