We were contacted By Robyn from the Goulburn Valley Branch who asked us if we could capture the stories of some of their members. They had applied for a grant so it took a little while for this to eventuate. As fate has it, we filmed just before the restrictions came into effect. What we discovered from interviewing the members is support required after a heart attack, not just for the person who has had the attack, but for the family who also need to deal with the illness. Heartbeat Victoria Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation that provides peer support […]
It’s exciting to create something special for a school that showcases the amazing talents of students & teachers. We were commissioned tp capture & create a short clip that would sit in the HOME PAGE banner of Catholic Regional College, Caroline Springs new website. This was a co-ordinated effort to showcase the main areas as well as how students best used each space.
While I know the pain it was to get through the construction of the lights, I don’t think I fully understood how it effected the surrounding businesses. Yes we could imagine, but to hear from these people and share their grief, it’s heart wrenching. Dean & I filmed this for Sunbury Business Association and from each interview I could feel their pain & heartache trying to survive. Horne St & Gap Road Sunbury Traders
This year, 2019, has been a year of rekindling old relationships. Kerrianne was a staff member of the AIPP and so knew her well from days gone by. Since she left, she has gone to do many things and one new venture that she has embarked on , is to create a new website and plan to create a site where new parents, grandparents or carers can go to, to find activities and place that are safe for their children. Google is amazing but also lacks some information. With her site, she hopes to help people who are in the […]
Building relationship that last can make a huge difference. I have known Sally for quite a few years through our Macedon Ranges Business Network Group – we called it MR BNG. I’m always chuffed when someone says that we are first in mind when it comes to creating video and I was thrilled that after a few years had lapsed, Sally contacted me for NIODA. After our first meeting and creating an initial outline, it required to get board approval. It was my good fortune that it was approved and we then went on to organise the shoot. This their […]
As we head into the last month of the year and nearing Christmas, I have been more reflecting of the past and how it has shaped our company & ourselves. The season is for giving and whilst there are many religious denominations and cultural difference in our community, it warms my heart to know that difference makes us unique, but the gift of giving transpires all boundaries. I worked out that I have been involved in volunteer organisations for over 17 years – wow! The first position I held just prior to my son being born, was as treasurer of […]
For many people who are not as savvy with the latest social media trends, or do not have time to give it the attention it requires to understand all of the available options, exploring something new can be quite daunting. I know myself that as platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and the plethora of Apps that keep popping up as another new alternative to build awareness of Preface Films or raise my own professional profile, my mind sometimes feels like it may explode. Many of my clients and colleagues are feeling a strong sense of ‘overwhelm’. How is it possible […]
May I please ask you a question or two? Why are you considering creating video content for your business? Is it because you have developed a well thought out plan to engage or influence your organisation’s stakeholders or clients in their buying / decision cycle, or is it because of all the hype you are reading about video? If it’s because of the hype, you are not alone! While there are valid reasons for the massive publicity campaigns currently driving the message to add video to your communication strategy, this message may not be as relevant for some organisations as […]
Safety at Work has become an increasingly important priority for Australian organisations. The Safe at Work website reminds us that “every worker has a right to work in a safe environment and expect to come home from work in the same state of health as they left”. Monash University is an example of an employer who genuinely cares for their workers, with the OH&S department dedicated to providing a safe workplace and training for 80,000 staff. Preface Films is very proud to partner the OH&S department as they’ve transitioned from PowerPoint based training to providing learners with content […]

It is widely reported that video content is an increasingly preferred method for people to consume information about your brand or organisation when they are online. Whether you or your team have embraced video as part of your strategy or not, you may yourself be aware of the suggestions to include captions in your videos (which makes perfect sense and enables you to have your videos watched from devices when fellow commuters or partners do not want to be disturbed while watching their favourite shows). You may have also been hearing the most recent news on the many features available […]
Have you made a significant retail purchase lately? As a rule, I avoid the shops, as I am a busy business owner and my time is precious. As a video producer, I’d like to share a recent purchase experience where I found myself smack bang in the buyer journey experience. I enjoyed this purchase process for two very different reasons. The first reason was because I needed to update some of my tools of trade, and the second reason was because I experienced the third step in the buyer journey, which I often share with clients when we talk video […]
We love to share how communities are cared for and tell their video story! This is a glimpse of a recent visit to Broken Hill and the Royal Flying Doctors Service with Australian Clinical Labs. You don’t often get to see behind the scenes and how one organisation supports another – they are amazing people in Broken Hill and a great strength to the community! Your stories, your people – let us film them for you to share! Call (03) 9740 8018, email info@prefacefilms.com.au
Why it is Important to Understand the Buyer Journey There are 3 steps in the Buyer Journey including: 1. Why – The Importance of Emotional Connection 2. How – Getting the Right People to Notice?! 3. What – The Final Rational Decision to Buy / Act (AKA conversion!) I like to visualise the 3 steps in the buyer journey as a timeline (as per the diagram below). While there are not specific dates, there is a natural order that shows us when a client travels that road, creating a visual that helps my clients understand the need to plan appropriate […]
Business is all about trust and relationships. And one of the best ways to build trust is to engage with people by telling your story. Why? Because everyone loves stories. We heard them growing up. In fact, stories have been the main way of communication for thousands of years. When stories are told effectively, they engage, capture and inspire your audience. And they allow people to connect with you and find out about the people behind the brand. It’s no wonder storytelling is the most valuable way to connect with your audience. And one of the best ways to […]
WHERE IT BEGINS When meeting people for the first time, most will ask what we do. Instinctively the words “we create videos for small businesses” pops into mind. Video content for the world of business can vary depending on what the purpose and audience is. We often label the types of productions so people can identify with the product. There are testimonials, training videos, brand stories, documentaries, events, promotional videos and the list can go on. And in the end, after really considering what all of these types of videos do, there are two most important components of a strong […]
Part of a brand awareness campaign, this video is the third production for Bluey Merino Traveling to Walcha NSW earlier this year, we had the privilege to capture the soul of the Karori farm and the people who grow the wool for the Bluey Merino garments. In this short film we capture the people in their work and give you the opportunity to share the heart behind the growers. A huge thanks to Rob & Katrina from Karori for their cooperation and most importantly, to Bluey Merino for giving us this opportunity. Music licence: The Music Bed bluey merino – […]
I can’t believe the cost of that event?!?! This is an objection most event organisers would face and can sometimes, in spite of an amazing array of presenters, be hard to overcome. I’ve organised events myself (for my video industry colleagues) and have on many occasions heard these very words. How do you justify? How do you over come this? How do you prove that the educational and social events organised are AMAZING and well worth the investment? Play Strategic Most event organisers will use multiple strategies to get the word out about the planned event. There will be blog […]
The story of “The Angry Butcher” initially commenced as a project to raise awareness of depression and to support the beyondblue charity fundraiser, at The AIPP Nikon Event in Perth this year (2015). When Rochelle and I first met Bruce, we knew that he had a story that would evolve far deeper than just an awareness and fundraising film. It’s often difficult for a person to share moments in their life that shape and change them…whether it be good or bad experiences. But one thing we know is that these experiences make us who we are, and that is worth […]
Travis Burge at LinkedIn :: Profile Video Personal Brand // Melbourne Corporate Video ~ Preface Films from Preface Films on Vimeo. It has often been talked about how video is such an effective tool for business. It can also be said that film can highlight your personal achievements, thus creating a bio that speaks volumes beyond just the written word. For this project, we worked with Travis Burge, Business Leader and Disruptive Technology Evangelist from LinkedIn Melbourne Office. Drawing on his expertise, our goal is to showcase the skills he has and the traits that have made him a valuable […]
This personal story that Craig shares, has a deep rooted purpose that explores men’s health. As part of a personal project, Craig has embarked on a journey to capture the amazing images that men in their sheds experience. In answer to a call to support his project with a film piece, Dean undertook it as his personal project, using his talents & energy to create something that he too is passionate about….stories with soul! A note from Craig about his project: Men Shed Photography – A method of therapeutic health benefits through the use of photography as a visual narrative […]