It is widely reported that video content is an increasingly preferred method for people to consume information about your brand or organisation when they are online. Whether you or your team have embraced video as part of your strategy or not, you may yourself be aware of the suggestions to include captions in your videos (which makes perfect sense and enables you to have your videos watched from devices when fellow commuters or partners do not want to be disturbed while watching their favourite shows). You may have also been hearing the most recent news on the many features available […]
We are living in interesting times where we are required to consume a lot of information each day. Whether it be on your device, television, on the way to work, when you put petrol in your car . . . there’s a lot to take in. If your role is to help your brand, service or organisation get noticed by the right person, how do you combat this? It’s critical to get the right people to notice you, and yet, and with so many messages coming at people every single day, you need to do this well to […]
In the last few years I’ve been exploring in detail the importance of viewing your content goals in the context of the emotional connection and outcome you are trying to achieve from the person or people or group you are trying to influence with your content. Understanding this for both Preface Films and our clients, has enabled me to develop a much deeper understanding that I use with with clients wishing to achieve greater results with their video content. Start at the Beginning Understanding the buyer journey is at the heart of the approach I take with clients who wish […]
Communicating with staff in large corporations can be a challenging process. Many departments use staff meetings to talk through events that are occurring in the organisation. The challenge however is that unless management is there personally, key messages and thoughts to local or rural areas are harder to be shared. Emails and newsletter are a common form in our modern era. But one thing to consider is, how long is your ‘inbox’? What gets prioritised and what gets forgotten. If you can easily miss a communicatio9n, chances are your staff do too. Instead of sending out emails, you may want […]