Using your own business staff to leverage the distribution of information to a wider audience, has become a great tool for business. Our clients find the best way to spread the word is to encourage their own employees to do the work through quality videos.
Emails & newsletters can easily be by passed and left in the InBox, but an engaging and informative video breaks up that monotony and can create that much needed hype you are looking for.
When distance between head office and regional outlets are an issue, video content can be easily created and streamed. This opportunity allows messages from your key personal to speak to your audience and avoid miscommunication. It also saves costs not only for travel to regional locations but for time as your personal resources are better directed towards more important work.
Video puts a face to a name, humanises your message and gives it a personality that can be shared and delivered in so many ways. It’s important that information is not just facts and is in context with business implications, reasons and any lessons learnt. Your messages can remain internal if material is case sensitive or it can be publicly shared through websites and your social media platforms.
Publicly sharing also provides you with the opportunity to showcase sponsors and other partners. It gives them more value through brand exposure, providing them the opportunity to product place certain items and highlight their involvement in the organisation.
Here are some client examples of staff training and news videos we have created: